.. meta:: :description: Orange Textable documentation, partitioning segmentations :keywords: Orange, Textable, documentation, partition, filter Partitioning segmentations ========================== There are many situations where we might want so selectively in- or exclude segments from a segmentation. For instance, a user might be want to exclude from a word segmentation all those that are less than 4 letters long. The :ref:`Select` widget is tailored for such tasks. The widget's interface (see :ref:`figure 1 ` below) offers a choice between two modes: *Include* and *Exclude*. Depending on this parameter, incoming segments that satisfy a given condition will be either included in or excluded from the output segmentation. By default (i.e. when the **Advanced settings** box is unchecked), the condition is specified by means of a regex, which will be applied to each incoming segment successively. (For now, the option **Annotation key: (none)** can be ignored.) .. _partitioning_segmentations_fig1: .. figure:: figures/select_example.png :align: center :alt: Example usage of widget Select Figure 1: Excluding short words with widget :ref:`Select`. In the example of :ref:`figure 1 `, the widget is configured to exclude all incoming segments containing no more than 3 letters. Note that without the *beginning of segment* and *end of segment* anchors (``^`` and ``$``), all words containing *at least* a sequence of 1 to 3 letters--i.e. all the words--would be excluded. Note that :ref:`Select` automatically emits a second segmentation containing all the segments that have been discarded from the main output segmentation (in the case of :ref:`figure 1 ` above, that would be all words less than 4 letters long). This feature is useful when both the selected *and* the discarded segments are to be further processed on distinct branches. By default, when :ref:`Select` is connected to another widget, the main segmentation is being emitted. In order to send the segmentation of discarded segments instead, right-click on the outgoing connection and select **Reset Signals** (see :ref:`figure 2 ` below). .. _partitioning_segmentations_fig2: .. figure:: figures/select_example_schema.png :align: center :alt: Right-clicking on a connection and requesting to "Reset Signals" :scale: 80 % Figure 2: Right-clicking on a connection and requesting to **Reset Signals**. This opens the dialog shown on :ref:`figure 3 ` below, where the user can "drag-and-drop" from the gray box next to **Discarded data** up to the box next to **Segmentation**, thus replacing the existing green connection. Clicking **OK** validates the modification and sends the discarded data through the connection. .. _partitioning_segmentations_fig3: .. figure:: figures/select_example_reset_signals_dialog.png :align: center :alt: Dialog for modifying the connection between two widgets :scale: 80 % Figure 3: This dialog allows the user to select a non-default connection between two widgets. See also -------- * :ref:`Reference: Select widget