.. meta:: :description: Orange Textable documentation, cookbook, display text content :keywords: Orange, Textable, documentation, cookbook, display, text, content Display text content ==================== Goal ---- Display the content of a text (segmentation). Prerequisites ------------- Some text has been imported in Orange Textable (see :ref:`Cookbook: Text input `) and possibly further processed (see :ref:`Cookbook: Segmentation manipulation `). Ingredients ----------- ============== ======= **Widget** :ref:`Display` **Icon** |display_icon| **Quantity** 1 ============== ======= .. |display_icon| image:: figures/Display_36.png Procedure --------- .. _display_text_content_fig1: .. figure:: figures/display_example.png :align: center :alt: Viewing text with an instance of Display Figure 1: Viewing text with an instance of :ref:`Display`. 1. Create an instance of :ref:`Display` on the canvas. 2. Drag and drop from the output connection (righthand side) of the widget instance that emits the segmentation to be displayed (e.g. :ref:`Text Field`) to the :ref:`Display` instance's input connection (lefthand side). 3. Open the :ref:`Display` instance's interface by double-clicking on its icon on the canvas to view the text content. Comment ------- * If the input data consist of a large number of segments (thousands or more), the time necessary to display them can be prohibitively long. See also -------- * :doc:`Getting started: Keyboard input and segmentation display ` * :ref:`Reference: Display widget ` * :ref:`Cookbook: Text input ` * :ref:`Cookbook: Segmentation manipulation `