Substitution list (Recode widget)

The keys (and associated values) for the file lists are the following:

Key Type Default Value Remark
regex string regular expression be careful to escape the slashes and backslash
replacement_string string replacement string  
ignore_case Boolean false option -i cf. Python doc (re.UNICODE)
multiline Boolean false option -m cf. Python doc (re.MULTILINE)
dot_all Boolean false option -s cf. Python doc (re.DOTALL)
unicode_dependent Boolean false option -u cf. Python doc (re.IGNORECASE)


        "regex":              "<.+?>",
        "replacement_string": ""
        "regex":              "(behavi|col|neighb)our",
        "replacement_string": "&1or",
        "ignore_case":        true,
        "unicode_dependent":  true
        "regex":              "a (\\w+) of mine",
        "replacement_string": "my &1",
        "unicode_dependent":  true