.. meta:: :description: Orange Textable documentation, MacOS X installation :keywords: Orange, Textable, documentation, MacOS X, installation MacOS X installation ==================== 1. On the `Orange 2.7 download page `_, download the software installer by following the *Orange 2.7 bundle for OSX* link. 2. In the window that opens at the end of the download, drag the Orange Canvas icon and drop it over the *Applications* folder icon. 3. Start Orange Canvas then select menu **Options > Add-ons...** (see :ref:`figure 1 `). .. _macosx_installation_fig1: .. figure:: figures/options_addons_menu_macosx.png :align: center :alt: How to open the Add-ons management dialog Figure 1: Opening the Add-ons management dialog in Orange Canvas. 4. In the window which has opened (see :ref:`figure 2 `), click on **Refresh list**, check the *Orange-Textable* box then the **Ok** button (twice). .. _macosx_installation_fig2: .. figure:: figures/addons_management_dialog_macosx.png :align: center :alt: Orange Textable marked for installation Figure 2: Orange Textable marked for installation. If step 4 was carried out correctly, the Orange Textable tab appears in the list on the left of the window of Orange Canvas after having exited and restarted the program. **Only if step 4 was not correctly carried out:** 5. Go to `PyPI `_ to download the source distribution of Orange Textable (*.tar.gz* file). 6. Decompress the archive then open a Terminal and navigate to the decompressed archive (see below for more details on this step). Then enter the following instruction:: python setup.py install NB: if this process fails, it is sometimes possible to resolve the problem by replacing the instruction with this one:: /Applications/Orange.app/Contents/MacOS/python setup.py install *In case of difficulty in "opening a Terminal and navigating to the decompressed archive...":* a. Drag and drop on the desktop the *Orange-Textable-X* file (where *X* is the version number, e.g. "1.5") which can be found in the downloaded archive. b. In **Finder > Applications > Utilities**, double-click on *Terminal*. c. In the Terminal, correctly enter the instruction:: cd Desktop/Orange-Textable-X (where *X* still is the version number). d. Then enter the instruction:: python setup.py install (or if necessary, the alternative instruction shown here above).